That Place on Ilkley Moor

This book is no longer for sale on the website, but can be purchased from Mark Hunnebell, Tel: 01943 608035

This book tells of the beginning of the White Wells when a shepherd had hurt his leg on Ilkley Moor. He bathed his wounds in a cold spring and was amazed how quickly his wounds healed, which he attributed to the water.

Not long afterwards during the early eighteenth century, White Wells was built to the south of Ilkley to exploit the developing trends for water treatment, more than a century after the concept of medicinal waters had found favour in the nearby town of Harrogate.

The book continues through the years through the Second World War to the Modern Era, with many an interesting tale along the way, to the present day where a number of people still take the New Years Day Plunge.

Published in a softback version. It has 230 pages with over 80 illustrations.